Ocean Tides Health Collective
Massage Therapy, Registered Craniosacral Therapist, LPN
A massage is just like going to a movie, a relaxing escape from a stressful life; except in this movie, you’re the STAR. You’ll miss nothing by falling asleep.
Natural Beauty
Craniosacral Therapy
This subtle touch treatment follows the Cranial wave and tidal rhythms of the body's inner sea to release tensions in the head, neck, back and throughout the whole body.
Cranial Wave Massage
Like waves washing rhythmically upon the beach; long flowing strokes help soothe your entire body into a state of complete tranquility.
Deep Tidal Massage
Reminiscent of pulling surf, strong manipulation of muscles, particularly around the problem areas, will replace tension and stress with energy and peace.
“Treatments are intended to address the whole body, to increase vitality; in other words, to maximize the body’s ability to be healthy and heal from trauma or illness. ”
Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.
There are 24hrs in a day. Take ONE for you.