
2601, 2020

Craniosacral therapy and the bond between mother and child

Attending an annual house party of chosen family this past Christmas eve ran into a close friend who was nine months pregnant. She was due in 4 days and dis-comfort had set in. In conversation was called to drop to one knee, resting my elbow and my leg and hand elevated to my friend's belly to relieve the pressure the child brought onto the mother's back and shoulders. At this point, I offered to provide a Christmas day session.

1712, 2019

Improve your view point

A Day at the Beach can change how you look at life and be a starting point for a healthier lifestyle. Whether or not changes to your lifestyle accompany regularly getting #craniosacral or #massage therapy, the fact that many diseases are stress related is illuminating. By healing your spirit through Cranial Wave massage, you will find you get sick much less.


Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

There are 24hrs in a day. Take ONE for you.



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